Our organization has used this pamphlet for several years in as gift to student in an Elementary School Poster Contest of the Revolutionary War per as a reward for participating. They each keep it for years and mention it to us several years after the contest.
Gave one each to my grandchildren
I donate 30 copies to my local highschool social studies class each year during Constitution Week.The pocket Constitution is a great teaching resource which hopefully will accompany students in their work or college careers.
I donate these to my local highschool social studies class each year.Hopefully the students find the quotations inspirational.
So glad to get and share these pocket constitutions. My students love them and I do too!
The 5000 Year Leap is an excellent read to understand the 28 principles that our United States Constitution was established upon. I have taught classes locally on The 5000 Year Leap and I have learned a better understanding of our wonderful system of government. I bought five and presented them to our Town Council along with the United States Constitution booklets. It is my prayer that they will gain a better understanding of our founding document.
Been with you forever and you have always been great to deal with. The order this time was 1000 . 500 of those are gone to DAR ( Daughters of American Revolution.
Thank you so very much.
HAPPY Trails
It's so nice to have these available for customers!! Doing all we can one customer at a time!!
Year after year this little book is a bestseller. Small and compact, the perfect size to have in your purse or pocket. Highly recommend.
Before these kids go to middle school they are "gifted" this.
I try to do this during Veterans Day week every year, anomalously. They are a present to them from all who served and defended this great country.
NOTE: Please don't increase the price of these anymore as I am 75 now and the price has increased to almost double what it was a few years ago
We love the principles taught in the 5,000 Year Leap and we enjoy sharing these “cards” with our students, family, and friends. They are a wonderful quick reference to all 28 principles. However, we were disappointed that they are printed on glossy paper, not cardstock or similar material. They are not cards as the description indicates, but more like paper bookmarks. We encourage our friends at NCCS to either print these on card stock or correct the description to accurately reflect the material. Thank you!
a slightly larger format would make it more readable and amenable to underlining, highlighting, note taking, etc. It's attractive and well put together otherwise.
I send a pocket constitution with every order I send out. My customers love them and ordering each batch is very fast shipping. Thanks for the constitutions and excellent service.
On the eve of our 250th Anniversary -this should be required reading for all students. This book will give you a booster shot of Patriotism and goes to the root of of great nation. Love it!!!
Very appreciated handout to my friends, thanks! I wish this issue still had the Founding Fathers' quotes that were included in the 2010 edition.
Excellent, Outstanding , convenient, pocket size pamphlets for distributing to students, Scouts, and every American Citizen.
This was my second purchase and definitely not the last. I always carry a few when I go for a walk and folks always enjoy receiving a copy. Thanks for making an affordable way to help educate people about the Constitution!
It's all here, word for word. I ordered 100 to pass out to anyone that might need one. There are a few Americans out there that don't quite remember what they read (if they read) in school. These might help to jog their memories. I will be ordering more for sure. Probably the Spanish version, also.
Sending copies to our grandkids and a few friends.
I really enjoyed reading this book. It is well written... even young children could enjoy the stories. Franklin was a remarkable man, he was a man of character. He excelled in many areas as a scientist, inventor, and politician. There are many lies being told about him today to defame his character, and this book will help you understand the REAL man!
I say to peope to whom I give one, it's like what Mark Twain said about the weather, "Every body talks about the weather but nobody ever does anything about it". The Constitution is like that, everybody talks about it but how much do you really know about it? Reading it and studying it is a fascinating eye-opener.
Clear and Concise! This should be in every elementary curriculum. Thank you!
I ordered copies to hand out to my students (college level). Although I am not teaching a related class, I feel it necessary, when appropriate, to enhance their learning experience.
Grateful to have this in our library. Thank you for offering it.
Kids in our neighborhood not only get a candy treat but a pocket constitution also for many years now. National Center for Constitutional study has been my source for many years and always no hassles.