Our Ageless Constitution

The Responsibility Of Citizens
The Responsibility Of Citizens
September 17, 1987

The Responsibility Of Citizens

"Cherish, therefore, the spirit of our people, and keep alive their attention. If once they become inattentive to the public affairs, you and I, and...
Will The Great American Experiment Succeed?
September 17, 1987

Will The Great American Experiment Succeed?

When asked by a curious citizen after the adjournment of the Constitutional Convention what kind...
Do We Have A Living Constitution?
September 17, 1987

Do We Have A Living Constitution?

The Framers knew that the passage of time would surely disclose imperfections or inadequacies in...
Our Ageless Constitution
September 17, 1987

Our Ageless Constitution

"The structure has been erected by architects of consummate skill and fidelity; its foundations are...
Freedom Of Individual Enterprise
September 17, 1987

Freedom Of Individual Enterprise

America's Constitution did not mention freedom of enterprise per se, but it did set up...
Checks And Balances
September 17, 1987

Checks And Balances

The Constitution was devised with an ingenious and intricate built-in system of checks and balances...
A government of laws, not of rulers
September 17, 1987

A government of laws, not of rulers

Throughout most recorded history, people have been governed by rulers' law - the law that...
Private Property Rights
September 17, 1987

Private Property Rights

Tired of having the fruits of their labors confiscated by an overpowering British government, America's...
Separation of Powers
September 17, 1987

Separation of Powers

America's Founders had just declared themselves free of a tyrannical government. They were determined that...
Small Federal Government - Strong Local Governments
September 17, 1987

Small Federal Government - Strong Local Governments

The basic idea was to get government as close to the people as possible. The...
An Enlightened People
September 17, 1987

An Enlightened People

Possessing a clear understanding of the failure of previous civilizations to achieve and sustain freedom...
Natural Law: The Ultimate Source of Constitutional Law
September 17, 1987

Natural Law: The Ultimate Source of Constitutional Law

The Founders DID NOT establish the Constitution for the purpose of granting rights. Rather, they established this...