I donate 30 copies to my local highschool social studies class each year during Constitution Week.The pocket Constitution is a great teaching resource which hopefully will accompany students in their work or college careers.
I donate these to my local highschool social studies class each year.Hopefully the students find the quotations inspirational.
So glad to get and share these pocket constitutions. My students love them and I do too!
The 5000 Year Leap is an excellent read to understand the 28 principles that our United States Constitution was established upon. I have taught classes locally on The 5000 Year Leap and I have learned a better understanding of our wonderful system of government. I bought five and presented them to our Town Council along with the United States Constitution booklets. It is my prayer that they will gain a better understanding of our founding document.
Been with you forever and you have always been great to deal with. The order this time was 1000 . 500 of those are gone to DAR ( Daughters of American Revolution.
Thank you so very much.
HAPPY Trails
America WILL be restored to The World Example of Giving because it’s Right to do so.
Our country was founded on Godly Principals. NOT power, greed and lust for the buck.
Election of 2022 began the awakening. 2024 Must be WE THE PEOPLE – By the People -
For the people. Term Limits are a Must. Change is constant, Morals & Common sense Change are the Ways ! 2 kinds of humans Solid or Sponge – Nothing except Salvation
is FREE.
Ruby Bagonia
What American means to you.
First.. What’s NOT America.
The lifelong politicians addiction fot money and power has ruined many young mind with their CRT and woke culture. It’s more of a democratic socialist cult. Jim Jones tried democratic socialism in Guyana in the 1970’s. That didn’t work out when people wanted their freedom back. The book Cult City tells the happenings of San Francisco Ca Democratic Party love affair with Jim Jones and their ties to him.
Americas is good outstanding individuals working together to strengthen our country on every issue foreseen. America’s hard fought efforts that beat slaver in one mans lifetime is a historical achievement! There was Britain’s slavery that was world wide for over a thousand years. Most every country on earth had or used slavery before America’s constitution was ever written. Still slaves were on every continent as America was fighting for its freedom of power hungry countries wanting to control and take over countries worldwide.
Our founders first president G Washington didn’t want to be a king like other countries wanted him to be. Instead our founders put it in writing..
“We The People “ for every nation on earth to see and hopefully they too would adopt The U.S. Constitution
Robert O. Walker
The R party got rid of broadcasting freedom by letting Murchoch illegally own stations in the USA at a foreigner. Then the R party let the Koch bros pas citizens united which let them go from donating only 140,000 a year to 58 million a year to candidate campaigns. The R party aid that was to keep american Equal in Free speach. Their garabeage and lies they hacve spewed for 28 years have left 28% of the voters dumb enough to still want Trump.
Not one Rarfty member ha voted for womens rights.Mc Carthy put the exreme right memebers of congress who would not vote for him a leader, on the oversight committee to become the leader…of what. The only represent exteme crazy views the founding fathers threw out when they made this country.. The next election will be a farce on both sides.
Check |Mexcio, 38 percent of elecgted mayor gov etc are women. Next pre election has a woman who is mayor of mexico city a a cnadiate fdor the bersgt party. And he ha a Phd in aleternative energy, Nto is kissing the butt of Exxon.
Our youth have been indoctrinated to believe we are a terrible country. Because they have not experienced any of the hardships the older generation has seen and endured, they are susceptible to the lies they are being taught. We need to change our education system from top to bottom.