Ordered 500 pocket constitutions at a great price. Shipped the next business day and arrived much earlier than promised. Quality product from a quality organization.
All Americans should know the Constitution starting with children. As an old man I remember when we learned about the constitution in the public school system. Remarkable, we even prayed back then in school. As the Chaplain of Veteran's of Foreign Wars Post 4842, we have been handing out these wonderful pocket constitutions for many years and will continue to do so. We use them for parades and other events and as former military men who have served in harm's way, we understand the importance of these documents. My hope is that many will receive these constitutions outside of Trousdale, County here in Tennessee. Perhaps the school administrators will get on board. As of now, they have not done so even though we have tried. Americans should be bold about this but sadly, many school officials are behaving cowardly because of past federal government bullies. I pray this will change this year and beyond. God bless you for printing these booklets and may God bless you in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Gary Waddell. Chaplain / Victory Ministries Middle Tennessee / www.iamnotashamed.com