I donate 30 copies to my local highschool social studies class each year during Constitution Week.The pocket Constitution is a great teaching resource which hopefully will accompany students in their work or college careers.
I donate these to my local highschool social studies class each year.Hopefully the students find the quotations inspirational.
So glad to get and share these pocket constitutions. My students love them and I do too!
The 5000 Year Leap is an excellent read to understand the 28 principles that our United States Constitution was established upon. I have taught classes locally on The 5000 Year Leap and I have learned a better understanding of our wonderful system of government. I bought five and presented them to our Town Council along with the United States Constitution booklets. It is my prayer that they will gain a better understanding of our founding document.
Been with you forever and you have always been great to deal with. The order this time was 1000 . 500 of those are gone to DAR ( Daughters of American Revolution.
Thank you so very much.
HAPPY Trails
Ronald Zahn
Carolyn Worssam, you mean well, and I wish you well, but Article V provides for two ways of amending the Constitution, which the Founders knew would be necessary from time to time. First, Congress may itself propose amendments. Secondly, since Congress itself would likely be the cause of the need for amendments, the states were empowered to take action. It would have been folly for the Founders to provide for two ways for Congress to enact amendments while leaving the states helpless in the matter. All the commas and periods support this view, that either Congress OR the states can take action. No, Congress cannot block the will of the states in this matter, the very states which authorized the existence of Congress in the first place.
Carolyn Worssam
To those who want a Convention of States and Term Limits:
Please read Article V of the Federalist papers with all its commas and periods. You are being fooled!! Once a Convention is called by Congress the States have no authority and given We The People have huge numbers of Communists in our Congress, both Republican and Democrats they will destroy our Constitution and take away all of our RIGHTS. You Sir, are advocating for the destruction of our Constitution.
As for Term Limits: We The People have the ability to exercise instill term limits without Congress passing another law (if they will) that they will not obey. OUR VOTES ARE TERM LIMITS. We have allowed all the evil to come about. We do not vett those running for office period and we have turned our backs on GOD.
Charlie Chapman
Bob Walker , you need to go back to second grade and learn to spell. Get off your high horse and get on the ground with We The People.
Trump can’t save us by himself, we will have to stand up and fight with him.
Susan Buelow
As a former educated, I continue to be appalled at what is happening in the public schools and colleges. We must not erase our history! “Who we are is who we were.” -John Quincy Adams
Seth Bradford Wagenman
Please join the Convention of States movement to put the federal government back in its proper place: